Sunday, April 4, 2010

Blog 11

Science has done such a stretch with technology. They have been such a great asset to our daily lives. Science starts as big as outer space or smaller than a bacteria. Scientist and engineers at Stanford University have been working on a nanoprobe that monitors the cells and its interactions, electrical signals from cell to cell. The nanoprobe is six hundred nanometers long, which is slightly bigger than a virus but smaller than a bacteria. The nanoprobe has three layers, chromium then gold then chromium. Their aim for the probe is to monitor it in a week. The nanoprobe would be the first inorganic implant without inflicting the cell. The probe penetrates the cell membranes mimic the proteins and the cell gate. The nanoprobe can allow researchers insert medications, improve attachements on artificial limbs, and to study on electrical signals through the cells.
Since I'm a biology major, I agree with this new technology completely. Their idea is to monitor cell functions, that brings up one thing, Cancer. Many people is getting questionable mold and strange defects on their skin. Tons of people go through biopsy to check if they are benign or malignant. When this invention opens up, more clinics will do case study on different kind of cell diseases. Following up with medicine and curing them. What an outbreak, we would know how our neurons are working within our body. Also, watch the electrical signals when your sick to understand how it is being sent to your brain. If it's not quick enough, then researchers can obtain a valuable counter medicine so that the patient will be able to heal rapidly. Overall, we need more science advances. The quicker the better our societies health. We can probably cure cancer in the time being.

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