Sunday, April 25, 2010

Blog 14

Do you remember your teen years? The cars, the opposite sex, the acne? Unfortunately we all grew those horrible unsightly years. Thanks to technology, nano-technology speaking, they have discovered a way to lessen the pizza faces. They use gold for the treatment. Yes you heard right, things that we buy as jewelry, they use it for medical treatment. Now of course it's not any ole gold, its Gold Nano-bombs that produces bacteria to fight against acne. They make a Nano-bombs that produce a lethal amount of Lauric Acid to the skin that is inhabited with acne. The person who is responsible of this miracle bomb is an engineer from University of California in San Diego. They placed the lauric acid in a microscopic sac in which they burst out the nano-bombs. It also tracks down the bacteria that causes acne based on your pH level. The discovery has not yet been qualified as a legit treatment but hopefully it would be in practice.
In my opinion, I greatly approve this therapy if the department would pass it. I would think it's the best thing in the world if only they made it back when I was breaking out with those horrible zits. I would be skeptical about the whole gold nano-bomb thing going on my face, but what could be worse than having acne. I'd take that treatment back when I really needed it. This therapy will increase teens to socialize, participate, and work with others. No more teens skipping because they had a huge zit on their forehead. Overall, this is the best thing they could ever make than pro-activ.

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