Sunday, April 25, 2010

Blog 14

Do you remember your teen years? The cars, the opposite sex, the acne? Unfortunately we all grew those horrible unsightly years. Thanks to technology, nano-technology speaking, they have discovered a way to lessen the pizza faces. They use gold for the treatment. Yes you heard right, things that we buy as jewelry, they use it for medical treatment. Now of course it's not any ole gold, its Gold Nano-bombs that produces bacteria to fight against acne. They make a Nano-bombs that produce a lethal amount of Lauric Acid to the skin that is inhabited with acne. The person who is responsible of this miracle bomb is an engineer from University of California in San Diego. They placed the lauric acid in a microscopic sac in which they burst out the nano-bombs. It also tracks down the bacteria that causes acne based on your pH level. The discovery has not yet been qualified as a legit treatment but hopefully it would be in practice.
In my opinion, I greatly approve this therapy if the department would pass it. I would think it's the best thing in the world if only they made it back when I was breaking out with those horrible zits. I would be skeptical about the whole gold nano-bomb thing going on my face, but what could be worse than having acne. I'd take that treatment back when I really needed it. This therapy will increase teens to socialize, participate, and work with others. No more teens skipping because they had a huge zit on their forehead. Overall, this is the best thing they could ever make than pro-activ.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Blog 13

When you think of space, what is the first thing that comes to mind? The moon, the sun, the stars, the planets? How about clean drinkable water that the astronauts need to obtain. A French Nobel laureate and a chemist Paul Sabaitier discovered a way to convert carbon dioxide and hydrogen to water and methane by elevating pressure and temperature. The leftover methane will be vented out of the space station, hopefully methane will be useful in the near future. Considering that methane can possibly be converted into carbon and hydrogen. Then hydrogen would be able to combined oxygen making water or fuel. The by-product would only be carbon. The water will be used for the space station waste water system in order to treat it more. The space station will last much longer and there would be no need of space shuttle. Their ideal saving is about sixty five million dollars. Hopefully this new service will be out by September 2014.
In my honest opinion, I do not really care much about space. I see no need to "live" out there just yet. It cost us quite a pretty penny to go up there. The government never gave a good reason why we should explore the outside world. It is still going to be there no matter when you do it. Okay, I will stop ranting about space. To me this is a good option to save the trip back and forth over drinking water. Also the cost would be more efficient. I concur that they should make this system since water is a neccessity. If they don't ever make it because there isn't a real reason to go to space that's a better choice that I can't even argue. Overall, converting carbon and hydrogen into water is brilliant I just wish they thought about giving it to a 3rd world country before they use it on a program that would cost a bigger penny.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Blog 12

There tons of uproar about the new Sony product. The Sony PSP GO is already out in the market. This is the 4th generation for the PSP with tons of upgrades. The core package cost two hundred forty nine. It has 3.8 inch LCD and a sixteen gigabyte removable memory. You can buy a bigger SCDC memory which is up to thirty gigabyte. It links up to the wireless Internet so you can log through the Sony store and make purchases. Also, the hand-held portable gaming console has its own web browser so you can access your facebook without an issue. Like the original, you are allowed to play music, videos, and store photos. To put the music and files for your PSP Go you have to use the usb cable. It doesn't come with the purchase of the PSP, you have to buy it separately. The gaming CD are very small also like the original and they are inserted from the back. The screen is not protected like their rival the Nintendo DS.
I like Sony, but they gave too much amp for the PSP Go. First off, they cost about two hundred and fifty dollars. I could buy it or I could get an Ipod touch that could also store music, videos, photos, and games. The only thing is the games would be as graphical. I do like the layout where you have to flip up the screen in order to use the controls. Most electronics come with the cords for charging and storing information for portable electronics. The PSP doesn't come with one so what is the reason to buy it. Next, they do not have a protective cover on the screen. Many people hate scratches especially when you spent two hundred dollars. The iPod touch screen is non-scratch able. The plus side, this generation is a lot smaller than the previous generations. You can actually put it in your jean pockets. Last, the game is suitable for more older teenagers or adults since the games are based on shooting and violence so no no for the kids unless its the Nintendo DS. Overall, I could careless about it. I'm not a gamer but this does not qualify a good investment for a portable gaming console unless you have lots of money.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Blog 11

Science has done such a stretch with technology. They have been such a great asset to our daily lives. Science starts as big as outer space or smaller than a bacteria. Scientist and engineers at Stanford University have been working on a nanoprobe that monitors the cells and its interactions, electrical signals from cell to cell. The nanoprobe is six hundred nanometers long, which is slightly bigger than a virus but smaller than a bacteria. The nanoprobe has three layers, chromium then gold then chromium. Their aim for the probe is to monitor it in a week. The nanoprobe would be the first inorganic implant without inflicting the cell. The probe penetrates the cell membranes mimic the proteins and the cell gate. The nanoprobe can allow researchers insert medications, improve attachements on artificial limbs, and to study on electrical signals through the cells.
Since I'm a biology major, I agree with this new technology completely. Their idea is to monitor cell functions, that brings up one thing, Cancer. Many people is getting questionable mold and strange defects on their skin. Tons of people go through biopsy to check if they are benign or malignant. When this invention opens up, more clinics will do case study on different kind of cell diseases. Following up with medicine and curing them. What an outbreak, we would know how our neurons are working within our body. Also, watch the electrical signals when your sick to understand how it is being sent to your brain. If it's not quick enough, then researchers can obtain a valuable counter medicine so that the patient will be able to heal rapidly. Overall, we need more science advances. The quicker the better our societies health. We can probably cure cancer in the time being.