Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blog 2

There is this new thing on Amazon called Kindle. Not the ebook store but a wireless reading device. You can save PDF files and tons of ebooks. You can as well highlight the context of the PDF file. The lighting and format of the screen is paper-like visual so no more straining of the eyes from the bright light of monitors. Its big enough to be a decent sized book but small and convenient enough to carry around since it was less than a pound. It has a keyboard and a wireless access to amazon where you can buy a ebook instantly. The Internet access is free without any data plan. You can receive newspapers, blogs and so forth. Holds up to 200 titles and the batter life is sufficient. Quite the technology to have if you are a reader and a student.
In Chris Grainger's blog, he mentions that Kindle doesn't have all of the books you would like and that is understandable since its recently new, but that's a huge setback for me of getting one. Actually, I don't want one at all. Even if it was given to me I wouldn't take it. I'm quite the reader and i don't like ebooks. Given the fact its easier just to log on and start reading without the burden of carrying it around, but where's the pride of holding a lively book. I can hold a kindle but there's no title cover for the book I'm reading. Which I have struck so many conversations because I bring my book and people notice what book I'm reading. My friends are also big readers and we at times trade books. I don't think we can trade e-books also trading a kindle would definitely be a horrible idea. I find it hard to bring a kindle outside since it was a big investment like an ipod. A real book cost around twenty to thirty dollars and I'm not worried if it was rained on, sat on, scratched, and I could go on for hours. I see the book as a trophy but a Kindle or ebook is just an electronic file or a device. Don't get me wrong, I love technology but traditionally books has always been as ink on paper, even the drafts of writers. So why ruin all the paperbacks and hardbacks that's been produced for the readers to a device that holds ebooks.

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